The Six of Wands represents a period of successfully overcoming challenges and receiving rewards. It's time to let go of modesty and acknowledge your significant achievements—whether in your career, personal relationships, or other areas of life.In practice, this card signifies success beyond all expectations. It retains its meaning even in reverse, though the success may come later than anticipated.
What this arcana suggests can be seen on the faces of Olympic champions as they stand on the podium with a gold medal in hand: their faces show no doubt that their success is deserved. They were the best, and their victory is well-earned.
Symbolism of the Card
The Six of Wands, like the other cards in this suit, relates to the element of Fire, and its symbolism generally reflects the energy and creativity of the Wands.The card depicts a young man riding a white horse, holding a wand in his hand. He is surrounded by a celebrating crowd, raising their wands in recognition of his triumph.
The rider is calm and in control. He does not look at the other people. His gaze is directed towards the horizon. He knows he cannot rest on his past successes; he needs to think about future challenges. The overall mood of the card leaves no doubt that the rider will conquer new heights.
Many people follow the horse. Unlike the characters in the Five of Wands, these people symbolize cooperation. They do not envy the rider; they acknowledge him as a leader and genuinely rejoice in his triumph.
The card features two laurel wreaths. One crowns the rider's head, and the other is tied with a red ribbon to his wand. The wreath worn by the rider symbolizes celebration after the battle. The wreath hanging on the wand symbolizes the losses on the battlefield. True leadership is impossible without these components of triumph.
Key Meaning
The Six of Wands appears when you have worked hard toward a goal, and success is finally within reach. The recognition you have sought for so long is now yours—and deservedly so! Now you can receive honors and rewards.If it seems like victory is still far away, just know that it is not—the card indicates that it is already on the way. Of course, this is on the condition that you are doing everything in your power to bring it closer.
The Six of Wands also represents healthy self-esteem. Feeling proud of your accomplishments is an important part of success, but excessive pride eventually turns into arrogance and hubris, the deadliest of sins. If you see this card in a reading, consider—do you feel like you are better than others? It is easy to forget that personal achievements would rarely be possible without the support of those close to you.
Key words associated with this card:
- victory,
- goal achievement,
- leadership,
- recognition,
- mastery,
- spiritual strength,
- enthusiasm,
- self-confidence,
- admiration,
- triumph,
- talent,
- acknowledgment and success.
General Meaning of the Card in Upright Position
The appearance of the Six of Wands in an upright position signifies that your outstanding achievements were earned through hard work. You were focused on a specific goal from the beginning, which is why you achieved success and received public recognition.The card indicates that the work you have done will bring rewards and recognition. It comes with a condition: upon achieving success, the querent should, first, show generosity and share the reward with those who were by their side during this difficult journey, and second, make peace with competitors who were less fortunate.
In everyday terms, the card points to favorable news without "fanfare and fuss": hopes will come to life in the best way, desires will be fulfilled, and the querent will achieve success in business.
Ultimately, the arcana means that all past experiences and failures were given to the querent for a reason: they positively impacted their inner maturity and personal growth. In the end, without going through hardships, one cannot savor the taste of victory. Therefore, it is worth fighting for victory, not backing down from obstacles, and moving forward towards success.
General Meaning of the Card in Reversed Position
The reversed Six of Wands speaks of problems haunting the querent. Long-awaited news is delayed or turns out to be less joyful than expected.Delays are likely caused by betrayal from someone close to the querent. Be prepared for conflict – the enemy is already at the gates. This person might praise you to your face but criticize you behind your back, spreading rumors. Fear of being deceived leads to indecision and complicates the path to the desired goal. The Six of Wands calls on the querent to follow the tried-and-true formula: "Trust, but verify."
The reversed Six of Wands signifies a fall from achieved heights, loss of leadership. Colleagues and partners might also be involved in the failure. Additionally, it can speak of success, but an unconvincing one, achieved through dishonest means.
Other meanings of the reversed Six of Wands: futile gains compared to the efforts expended; arrogance, disregard for the people who were at the origins of the querent's success; fear of failure, painful defeat, loss of self-respect. All this leads to panic, anxiety and fear, uncertainty, and unwillingness to compromise.
The Meaning of the Card in Love in Upright Position
The Six of Wands is an excellent card in matters of love because it often signifies a coming together of two or more people. The card frequently appears when two people get married and thus unite their families into one, or when the family expands with the birth of a child.Now is a great time to think about what you want from a relationship and express it out loud. However, the fiery nature of the arcana warns not to rush decisions.
The Meaning of the Card in Love in a Reversed Position
If the Six of Wands appears reversed in a love reading, it can indicate that, despite the inquirer's support of their partner's endeavors, the relationship has lost its spark. Two people who once loved each other no longer show interest in their partner's successes and achievements and do not keep their promises because they are too absorbed in their own plans and goals. Do not let your ego destroy the relationship.Six of Wands as the Card of the Day
If the Six of Wands appears as the Card of the Day, its meaning might be as follows:- Upright: You will have an active and energetic day, full of enthusiasm and ready to take the initiative. Confidently take on the role of a leader and guide others. The Six of Wands also suggests the possibility of starting a new project or dedicating time to a new hobby.
- Reversed: You might lack motivation and inspiration today. Unexpected obstacles could arise during the day, possibly due to the actions of others or insurmountable circumstances. It's important to stay optimistic and keep faith in your abilities, even if today proves challenging.
What the Six of Wands Warns About
This card often warns the querent that a rival has appeared in their life. This person is extremely selfish, arrogant, vengeful, and greedy, and they thrive on flattery. They have no moral principles. To achieve their goals, they are ready to trample over others and are capable of any baseness.Additionally, the arcana advises not to force events—let them develop naturally. The path to triumph may be difficult and long, but the wait and effort will be worth it.
The Six of Wands advises letting go of unrealistic fantasies and overcoming indecision. You can reach new heights if you use diplomatic methods in your struggles and respect others' viewpoints. Move in the right direction until you reach the finish line.