Combination of card Six of Cups and card The Sun
The Sun upright and Six of Cups upright - a wonderful combination full of harmony. It's like a child's joy in discovering a new but familiar world. Perhaps it's time for old, long-forgotten dreams and desires to come true. Remember, the most important thing is a positive attitude and faith in the best.
Combination of reversed card Six of Cups and card The Sun
The Sun upright and the Six of Cups reversed. It reminds me of a situation where the sun shines, but you're not ready to leave the warm house yet. Maybe it's time to let go of old memories that hold you back from moving forward. Even if the Sun shines brightly, the reversed Six of Cups suggests it's time for a change.
Combination of card Six of Cups and reversed card The Sun
The Sun reversed and the Six of Cups upright. It's like remembering pleasant moments from the past but not fully enjoying them because of some current issues. Maybe you should focus more on the present and appreciate what you have now.
Combination of reversed card Six of Cups and reversed card The Sun
The Sun reversed and the Six of Cups reversed. You definitely face some difficulties. You might feel like you lack the energy or motivation to move forward, and old memories don't bring the usual comfort. But remember, after every night comes the dawn. Don't fear change; it could be the start of a new, brighter phase in your life.