Combination of card Six of Cups and card King of Wands
The combination of the generous and open King of Wands in the upright position and the Six of Cups, also in the upright position, promises harmony and success in communication. Together they signify strong relationships based on mutual respect and trust. This could be a friendship that has evolved into love or a long-term romantic partnership that overcomes all obstacles. It resembles a story of two best friends who realize over time that their feelings are deeper than they thought.
Combination of reversed card Six of Cups and card King of Wands
If the Six of Cups is reversed, it can indicate some problems. The King of Wands remains a leader and inspirer, but the reversed Six of Cups speaks of a clinging past that prevents moving forward. This could be memories of past relationships or old grievances or conflicts. Imagine being entangled in old relationships, preventing you from creating something new.
Combination of card Six of Cups and reversed card King of Wands
If the King of Wands is reversed and the Six of Cups is upright, it may indicate unresolved issues and communication difficulties. The reversed King of Wands might be dissatisfied or distrustful, while the Six of Cups still offers support and understanding. It could be a situation where one of you tries to maintain the relationship, while the other withdraws and refuses to communicate.
Combination of reversed card Six of Cups and reversed card King of Wands
Finally, if both arcana are reversed, it may indicate serious communication and relationship issues. The King of Wands can be tyrannical and unfair, while the reversed Six of Cups can signify missed opportunities or unresolved problems from the past. This could be an old friendship that has gradually turned hostile or a romantic relationship that has become a source of constant conflict.