Six of Cups and King of Pentacles

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Six of Cups and King of Pentacles cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Six of Cups and card King of Pentacles

The strong compatibility of these cards indicates a strong bond between people. For example, it could be the connection of old friends or close relatives. The King of Pentacles usually refers to someone who values stability and reliability, while the Six of Cups is associated with deep feelings and memories. This suggests a harmonious combination of emotions and practicality in relationships.

Combination of card Six of Cups and reversed card King of Pentacles

The combination of these cards suggests that the reversed King of Pentacles may cause some relationship issues. He might become too materialistic or neglect the emotional side. At the same time, the upright Six of Cups symbolizes warm memories and a deep connection that can help overcome difficulties.

Combination of reversed card Six of Cups and card King of Pentacles

The reversed Six of Cups combined with the upright King of Pentacles might indicate that attachment to the past hinders achieving stability and prosperity. It may be worth showing the practicality and realism symbolized by the King of Pentacles to prioritize and move forward.

Combination of reversed card Six of Cups and reversed card King of Pentacles

Both reversed cards suggest a conflict between practicality and emotions. The King of Pentacles may show excessive selfishness and overconfidence, leading to dissatisfaction and disappointment. The Six of Cups, on the other hand, might indicate being stuck in the past and unwilling to accept changes. These could be challenging times, but they also offer opportunities for growth and self-improvement.