Seven of Wands and The Devil

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Seven of Wands and The Devil cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Seven of Wands and card The Devil

In the combination of these two upright Arcana, a strong energy vibrates. The Devil points to addictions, dependencies, and temptations, while the Seven of Wands signifies defense, resilience, and perseverance. They might speak of battling inner demons, of how difficult but necessary it is to fight one's weaknesses and fears. It's like a boxer who, despite fatigue, continues the fight because staying strong is crucial.

Combination of reversed card Seven of Wands and card The Devil

If the Devil remains upright and the Seven of Wands reverses, the air fills with tension. Here, the Devil continues to symbolize addictions and temptations, while the reversed Seven of Wands may indicate an attack, perhaps even aggression. It's like when a person allows their weaknesses to take over and goes against common sense, ignoring the consequences of their actions.

Combination of card Seven of Wands and reversed card The Devil

When the Devil is reversed and the Seven of Wands is upright, the air becomes lighter. The reversed Devil can signify liberation from addictions or overcoming dependencies, while the Seven of Wands represents persistence, resilience, and readiness to stand one's ground. It's like when a person realizes they've hit rock bottom and decides to change their life by taking responsibility and starting to fight their habits.

Combination of reversed card Seven of Wands and reversed card The Devil

If both cards are reversed, it might indicate that a person feels lost or helpless. The reversed Devil can signify fear or unwillingness to change, while the reversed Seven of Wands can denote a lack of protection and self-confidence. It's like when a person lets their fears and doubts take over their mind, dragging them into a whirlpool of negative thoughts and emotions.