Seven of Wands and Temperance

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Seven of Wands and Temperance cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Seven of Wands and card Temperance

Temperance upright and the Seven of Wands upright create a harmonious combination. Temperance emphasizes balance, equilibrium, and calmness, while the Seven of Wands adds a touch of resilience and courage. It's like finding the perfect balance between work and personal life, while being ready to defend your interests and beliefs.

Combination of reversed card Seven of Wands and card Temperance

Temperance upright and the Seven of Wands reversed symbolize a challenging situation. Temperance indicates a desire for harmony and balance, but the reversed Seven of Wands may suggest fear of conflicts or fatigue from fighting. It's like wanting to maintain peace and composure but constantly feeling pressure and tension.

Combination of card Seven of Wands and reversed card Temperance

Temperance reversed and the Seven of Wands upright represent a combination that demands attention and awareness. Temperance reversed may indicate disharmony or a lack of control, while the Seven of Wands emphasizes the need for defense and resilience. It's like feeling unbalanced in life but continuing to fight and not giving up in the face of difficulties.

Combination of reversed card Seven of Wands and reversed card Temperance

Temperance reversed and the Seven of Wands reversed form a challenging combination. When both cards are reversed, they speak of a loss of balance, fatigue from struggle, and possible abandonment of one's beliefs. It's like feeling you've lost control of the situation and can no longer defend your interests, no matter how important they are to you.