Seven of Swords and The Star

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Seven of Swords and The Star cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Seven of Swords and card The Star

The Star upright and the Seven of Swords upright together mean that a time of insight and realization of your mistakes is coming. You start to see what is really happening, and this leads to great optimism and self-confidence. Perhaps you have overcome difficult circumstances and are now awakening to a new life. You can continue your journey using the knowledge and skills you have gained.

Combination of reversed card Seven of Swords and card The Star

The Upright Star and the Reversed Seven of Swords indicate that you might face troubles due to a lack of honesty from those around you. Someone could be trying to mislead you or take advantage of your kindness. However, despite this, you keep moving forward, filled with hope and optimism.

Combination of card Seven of Swords and reversed card The Star

The reversed Star and upright Seven of Swords indicate that you feel pessimistic and disappointed. You may have faced deceit or betrayal, affecting your inner state. However, remember that you always have the chance to improve the situation.

Combination of reversed card Seven of Swords and reversed card The Star

The reversed Star combined with the reversed Seven of Swords indicates that you may face deception and a situation where you start doubting your abilities. Try not to let this affect you, and remember that every crisis is, above all, an opportunity for change and growth.