Seven of Swords and The Moon

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Seven of Swords and The Moon cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Seven of Swords and card The Moon

Together, these arcana signify an intriguing and mysterious situation. The Moon, illuminating the unseen, combined with the Seven of Swords, symbolizing the ability to work alone, suggests that listening to your intuition is crucial now. Perhaps not all cards are revealed, and there is a hidden aspect that will soon come to light. For instance, the situation might involve an unexpected discovery or secret.

Combination of reversed card Seven of Swords and card The Moon

When the Moon is upright and the Seven of Swords is reversed, you might face a mysterious problem that you can't handle alone. You may need help from others or a more thorough analysis. Understanding what is really happening can be difficult, like walking through fog. This might be related to not understanding your own feelings or the situation you're in.

Combination of card Seven of Swords and reversed card The Moon

The situation where the Moon is reversed and the Seven of Swords is upright can mean that someone, while hiding their intentions or actions, still reveals them. This could relate to the uncovering of a secret or deceit. Perhaps someone tries to hide something but ends up revealing their intentions instead. This might involve jealousy or a situation where a person tries to conceal their true feelings.

Combination of reversed card Seven of Swords and reversed card The Moon

When both arcana are reversed, it can indicate significant misunderstanding or fear of the unknown. The person might fear discovering the truth or facing reality. This could be because they are trying to avoid confronting an unpleasant truth. For example, they might refuse to acknowledge that their relationship isn't going as they would like, or that their job doesn't bring them satisfaction.