Combination of card Seven of Swords and card Seven of Wands
When the Seven of Swords in the upright position combines with the upright Seven of Wands, it indicates that you find yourself in a situation requiring strategic thinking and self-confidence. You might notice new ideas and plans emerging that require some cunning to achieve. But don't worry, you have all the tools to make it happen. Just remember, persistence and foresight are your best allies.
Combination of card Seven of Swords and reversed card Seven of Wands
When the Seven of Swords in an upright position combines with the reversed Seven of Wands, it may indicate that you feel stuck or overwhelmed. You might sense that your plans or strategies aren't working, or you're facing significant obstacles. But don't forget that sometimes you just need to reassess your plans and find a new approach. These periods are merely temporary setbacks.
Combination of reversed card Seven of Swords and card Seven of Wands
When the reversed Seven of Swords combines with the upright Seven of Wands, it might indicate that you rely too much on others, giving them your plans and ideas. You may find it hard to make decisions on your own or fear responsibility. But confidence and the ability to stand your ground are important qualities you should develop. And remember, every action you take matters.
Combination of reversed card Seven of Swords and reversed card Seven of Wands
When the reversed Seven of Swords combines with the reversed Seven of Wands, it may indicate that you feel lost and indecisive. You might feel like your plans are falling apart and your energy is being wasted. But remember, these are just temporary difficulties. Sometimes, you just need to stop, rethink your actions, and choose a new path. Every crisis is always an opportunity for growth.