Page of Cups and Temperance

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Page of Cups and Temperance cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Page of Cups and card Temperance

Temperance in the upright position and the Page of Cups also in the upright position symbolize harmony and balance. The two cards seem to dance together without the slightest imbalance in their movements. This combination represents peace and tranquility, like a calm lake reflecting the sky, with no room for fuss or fear. For example, if this combination appeared in a question about relationships, it would indicate harmonious and peaceful relationships.

Combination of reversed card Page of Cups and card Temperance

Moderation in the upright position and the Page of Cups in the reversed position indicate a lack of harmony. The Page of Cups in this case may symbolize introversion and unwillingness to share emotions and feelings. On the other hand, Moderation in the upright position tries to restore balance, but this doesn't always succeed due to the Page's introversion. It's like talking to someone who constantly keeps their feelings under control and doesn't let them flow freely.

Combination of card Page of Cups and reversed card Temperance

Temperance reversed and Page of Cups upright signify insecurity and lack of harmony. The Page of Cups upright represents openness and readiness for new opportunities, but Temperance reversed can mean a lack of balance and loss of control. It's like being ready for new opportunities but unable to find the strength to control the process and move forward with confidence.

Combination of reversed card Page of Cups and reversed card Temperance

Moderation and the Page of Cups, both reversed, indicate a lack of confidence and balance. Reversed Moderation can mean that the person has lost control of the situation, and the reversed Page of Cups may symbolize closedness, unwillingness to change, or accept new opportunities. It's like trying to balance two objects, but they keep falling, and you start feeling uncomfortable and closed off.