Combination of card Nine of Wands and card Ten of Wands
When the Nine of Wands is upright and the Ten of Wands is also upright, it means that the person has overcome all obstacles in their path. It's like a runner crossing the finish line, tired but happy with their victory. All barriers are behind, and one can enjoy well-deserved success. There's no need to worry anymore; fears are in the past. However, remember that new challenges are not far off, and you need to be ready for them.
Combination of card Nine of Wands and reversed card Ten of Wands
Now imagine that the Nine of Wands is still upright, but the Ten of Wands is reversed. This may indicate that the person is on the verge of giving up. They have already come a long way, overcoming many obstacles, but the final push seems too difficult. It’s like a runner reaching the finish line but falling right before it, unable to cross it. However, it is necessary to gather all strength and still reach the end, despite temporary difficulties.
Combination of reversed card Nine of Wands and card Ten of Wands
If the Nine of Wands is reversed, and the Ten of Wands is upright, it indicates that the person feels afraid of their problems. They see them as insurmountable, but in reality, it's not that scary. It's like a runner stopping just before the finish line, afraid to cross it. But if they gather their strength and make the final push, they will definitely succeed.
Combination of reversed card Nine of Wands and reversed card Ten of Wands
Now imagine both arcanas reversed. It might mean that the person gave up halfway. They have already faced many obstacles, but fatigue and fear made them quit. It's like a runner seeing the finish line, but collapsing and unable to get up. However, everyone has a second chance, and it's still possible to get back in the race, keep fighting, and achieve success. All it takes is some self-belief and a bit of persistence.