Nine of Pentacles and The Devil

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Nine of Pentacles and The Devil cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Nine of Pentacles and card The Devil

The Devil in the upright position and the Nine of Pentacles also in the upright position usually indicate a situation where a person seems to achieve their goals but remains dependent on external circumstances or people. It feels like everything is going according to plan, but there is no inner satisfaction. It is as if you have your own business, but in reality, the investor makes all the decisions.

Combination of reversed card Nine of Pentacles and card The Devil

Let's consider the combination of the Devil upright and the Nine of Pentacles reversed. This might indicate that a person is trying to achieve material well-being but feels heavily dependent on circumstances. Freedom of choice is limited. Imagine working at a hated job just for the money but being afraid to leave because of a lack of self-confidence.

Combination of card Nine of Pentacles and reversed card The Devil

The Devil reversed and the Nine of Pentacles upright usually indicate that a person is freeing themselves from old fears and dependencies, leading to conditions for material prosperity and stability. It's like leaving behind toxic relationships and starting a new life that brings not only peace of mind but also financial stability.

Combination of reversed card Nine of Pentacles and reversed card The Devil

If the Devil is reversed and the Nine of Pentacles is also reversed, it may indicate a possible loss of control over the situation. You have gotten rid of old fears and dependencies, but in return, self-doubt and insecurity have arisen. It's like leaving a hated job but facing difficulties in finding a new one, which causes self-doubt.