Eight of Wands and Ten of Swords

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Eight of Wands and Ten of Swords cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Eight of Wands and card Ten of Swords

Imagine that a person has finally realized all their problems and worries. They are ready to close this chapter of their life and move on to a new one. Enter the Eight of Wands with its swift energy and urgency. This is such a rapid forward movement that it often leaves no time for reflection. Sometimes, this is good because we don't have time to doubt ourselves. But what if this speed doesn't give us time to think about the new path?

Combination of reversed card Eight of Wands and card Ten of Swords

Let's imagine a different situation. The person understands all their problems and is ready to move on. However, the energy of the Eight of Wands in reverse stagnates, and everything starts to slow down. Inertia, despite external stimuli, turns out to be stronger. This can cause feelings of confusion and disappointment because the person was ready to move forward, and now there's this delay.

Combination of card Eight of Wands and reversed card Ten of Swords

Let's reverse the Ten of Swords. Here is a person who refuses to acknowledge their problems and mistakes. They keep fighting desperately, even though the battle is already lost. And now, the Eight of Wands enters the scene with its unstoppable energy and eagerness to fight. It might sound like exactly what you need in such a situation. But is there any point in fighting if everything is already lost? Maybe it's better to surrender and start over?

Combination of reversed card Eight of Wands and reversed card Ten of Swords

What if the Ten of Swords reversed meets the Eight of Wands, which is also reversed? Here we have a person who does not acknowledge their failures and keeps fighting despite everything. However, the energy of the reversed Eight of Wands becomes stagnant, slowing down all processes. This can cause a feeling of stagnation and frustration because the person wants to move forward, but something holds them back.