The Eight of Wands symbolizes the present moment – here and now. Additionally, 8 is the number of Strength. "Youth is fleeting, so seize the moment," reminds the arcana, urging us to focus on the present and not worry about the future.The Eight of Wands is a symbol of the beginning of action and its consequences. Before acting, we think, imagine, plan, dream, discuss – and finally, decide to take the first step. This card can be related to communication, sales, promotion, receiving or transmitting news about any action.
Therefore, it can be connected to any type of business or personal communication. The Eight of Wands is a card that tells you how to communicate with others and benefit from it.
Symbolism of the Card
The image on the Eight of Wands card is quite minimalist. We see eight wands flying forward with a landscape in the background – a river and hills. The movement of the wands conveys the main meaning of this arcana: speed, dynamics, and an initiated process.The Eight of Wands is one of the few tarot cards that does not feature people. This contrasts with previous cards in the suit of Wands, which focus on interaction with others in various forms.
Despite the absence of people, the card is rich in vegetation. The wooded plains beneath the wands suggest that life and growth continue without human presence. In a way, the Eight of Wands serves as a humble reminder of our place in the universe.
The wide field contrasts with a tiny house in the lower left corner. The small size of this structure further emphasizes the point: people are in the background, while nature takes center stage.
Key Meaning
The Eight of Wands is closely related to the concept of speed. The person represented by this card takes action and strikes while the iron is hot. He openly declares himself and brings his plans to life.The Eight of Wands also symbolizes positive news or information. The querent may see or hear something important. News might come in disguised forms, so it's essential to stay vigilant and pay attention to all information channels.
The Eight of Wands signifies not only the initiation of events but also their completion: the wands finish their flight, landing on the ground. If you see the Eight of Wands, it might be time to bring what you've started to a conclusion.
The card might not provide a direct answer to your question but suggest that the time for an answer hasn't come yet or that the question isn't important right now – it's better to focus your efforts on something else.
General Meaning of the Upright Card
In the upright position, the Eight of Wands always points to significant events that will happen soon and are likely to bring positive changes. It indicates a noticeable acceleration of pace. Events will unfold at double speed, projects that have started will move forward quickly without delays, and those that began long ago will reach their conclusion.The card speaks of prospects for business trips and deals, favors new love stories, and encourages starting a business. It's time to take action or move to the next stage.
On the event level, the Eight of Wands signifies a vacation, a successful trip, and fun and light-hearted activities. A person will finally gain the freedom they dreamed of, hear important news, or receive a gift or surprise.
General Meaning of the Card in Reversed Position
The reversed Eight of Wands represents the opposite of movement and progress: delay, stagnation, and hindrance. It suggests that now is not the best time to make significant decisions.In some cases, the reversed card can indicate sudden changes for which the querent was unprepared, or it can serve as a warning against acting too quickly. "Haste makes waste" is the message of this card in its reversed position. Excessive zeal and hasty decisions will nullify all previous efforts.
Additionally, the reversed Eight of Wands can point to communication and connection issues. Important messages may be delayed or lost, so it is crucial to be especially careful when exchanging information. Overall, the card advises slowing down and exercising greater caution in actions and decisions.
The Meaning of the Eight of Wands in Love Upright
When the Eight of Wands appears in a love and relationship reading, it encourages the querent to finally allow themselves to be loved. Previous efforts are likely to bring positive changes soon. There’s no need to worry about the relationship’s fate in the near future: the querent has worked seriously on their flaws, and it has paid off.The Eight of Wands can indicate rapid progress in love matters, but wands are not associated with long-term stability, whereas harmonious relationships are a slow process.
The Meaning of the Card in Love in a Reversed Position
The reversed Eight of Wands, when appearing in love and relationship readings, symbolizes hesitation and doubts from one or both partners. The person is not ready for new relationships or fundamentally does not understand how to build relationships and love.Another meaning is the overly rapid development of relationships. One partner is more serious than the other, which scares and repels the other. Declarations of love were too hasty – the relationship doesn’t yet have a solid foundation on which they could continue to build.
Eight of Wands as the Card of the Day
When the Eight of Wands appears in a "Card of the Day" reading, it can have the following meanings:- Upright position. The day promises to be full of important tasks, meetings, and deals. They will require more effort and persistence to overcome. Be prepared to fight and don't give up when difficulties arise – and everything will work out.
- Reversed position. Today you may face delays and misunderstandings beyond your control. External circumstances or thoughtless actions by others could jeopardize everything you've been working on. Stay vigilant!
What the Eight of Wands Warns About
The Eight of Wands can warn of difficulties and obstacles on the way to your goals. It advises the following:- Don't give up. You might face a challenging period ahead. You may need to sacrifice comfort or financial stability. Stay optimistic and persistent. Keep fighting for your dreams.
- Don't be afraid to confront. If conflict is inevitable, don't hide like a scared fish. The energy of the card suggests that you will come out victorious.
- Seek new opportunities: If the current path seems difficult, look for alternative routes and try to adapt to new conditions.