Death and Temperance

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Death and Temperance cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Death and card Temperance

In the first case, when Temperance and Death appear upright, it symbolizes harmonious changes. Temperance, representing harmony and balance, together with Death, signifying inevitable changes, implies that these changes will proceed smoothly and painlessly. This is possible due to the ability to compromise and control one's emotions. For example, transitioning to a new job or moving to another city happens without stress and problems.

Combination of reversed card Death and card Temperance

The combination of Temperance upright and Death reversed signifies disorder and chaos. Temperance means you strive to maintain balance and harmony, but Death reversed signals a fear of change, ultimately leading to disorder. For example, you might refuse to move or change jobs out of fear of the unknown, resulting in dissatisfaction and chaos in life.

Combination of card Death and reversed card Temperance

If Temperance reversed combines with Death upright, it means that an inability to control emotions and compromise leads to radical and painful changes. Reversed Temperance embodies imbalance and an inability to handle emotions, while Death symbolizes inevitable changes. For example, this could happen when someone's inability to manage their emotions causes them to lose their job or end a relationship.

Combination of reversed card Death and reversed card Temperance

Stagnation and a reluctance to change occur when both Temperance and Death are reversed. Reversed Temperance symbolizes an inability to compromise and control emotions, while reversed Death represents a fear of change and the new. This can manifest as a refusal to change anything in life, even if the current situation causes discomfort or dissatisfaction. For example, a person may continue working at a job they dislike because they fear change.