The Three of Swords (also known as Our Lady of Sorrows) symbolizes sudden emotional pain, the feeling of having your heart pierced by something sharp, leaving an open wound as a reminder. It represents deep disappointment from bad news, a broken heart, betrayal, rejection, or just a harsh comment that somehow struck a chord.The Three of Swords also signifies a painful truth. Trust has been broken, the closest people have let someone down or betrayed them, and the person feels backstabbed and turns against the world.
The card reminds us that everyone is capable of cruelty at times. We are all human and make mistakes—sometimes very serious ones. Ultimately, all we can do is continue to believe in humanity and strive to live up to humanistic ideals.
This card holds important wisdom: from birth to death, everything and everyone goes through an endless series of changes. The changes within our souls are as natural as the process of skin cells dying off. The process of change may be very painful, but eventually, we accept it, learn from our mistakes, and become wiser, stronger, and more experienced than before. This undoubtedly painful situation the card speaks of clears the way for more positive changes. It may be hard to agree with this at the moment, but sooner or later, the pain will pass.
Symbolism of the Card
The card depicts a heart floating in the sky, pierced by three swords. Clouds gather, and it rains.Heart. The Three of Swords is one of the few tarot cards that doesn't feature a human figure. The focus is on the most vital part of our physical and spiritual being—the heart. It is the center of our emotions, a symbol essential for interpreting tarot cards. Its large size signifies its importance.
Three Swords. They pierce the heart, but there is no visible blood. This can be interpreted in various ways. Positively, it represents the unity of intellect and emotions. Negatively, it symbolizes the pain we feel when someone betrays or disappoints us. However, the card offers hope: even after trauma, the heart can heal. No matter the pain we endure, it won't break us.
Rain. The melancholic atmosphere reflects the pain of the pierced heart. The rain streaks resemble a mirror surface, suggesting that this card is a reflection of ourselves.
Key Meaning
The general sense of the arcana is intuitively clear from the image. It conveys sadness, a broken state, unfulfilled desires, mental pain, and depression. This is a tough period in life that you just need to get through by taking care of yourself, healing your wounds, and waiting for the situation to improve.However, the arcana also has a positive side. It urges us to always act honestly, be faithful and sincere in relationships, and avoid manipulating loved ones. The Three of Swords also speaks of bringing order to chaos, gaining a new perspective on the situation, and abandoning old patterns that hindered our growth.
The Three of Swords tears off masks and shows the essence of things, as noted by tarot readers at All illusions and ideals collapse. The truth of life is perceived painfully and sharply. The bleeding heart on the card symbolizes the refusal to accept the situation—but this refusal is temporary. Acceptance is just one step away.
The General Meaning of the Upright Card
Three of Swords is an unfortunate card that signifies deep sorrow. The querent experiences a conflict that causes constant pain. The most common reason for this conflict is a breakup or separation from a loved one.The Three of Swords always symbolizes the pursuit of an unattainable ideal, rejection of reality, and at the same time, the inability to escape it. In other words, it is about trying to solve a problem in inappropriate ways.
The presence of this card in a spread can indicate that people you trusted have hurt, insulted, or betrayed you. This could be deception from a loved one, a business partner, betrayal by a close friend, or simply painful disagreements. A love triangle is possible. A third party (or a new event or interest) emerges, provoking a separation that won't end amicably: be prepared for displays of aggression and hatred.
But like the Death arcana, the Three of Swords hints that an end leads to a new beginning if you assess the situation soberly.
General Meaning of the Reversed Card
The reversed Three of Swords signifies an intensification of the negative aspects of the upright card. The querent's emotional pain runs deeper, the breakup feels more painful, and this emotional dark period threatens to linger.Moreover, the reversed Three of Swords may indicate that you harbor many resentments. These might be grievances against life or specific people. However, regardless of how justified they seem, this card often suggests they are largely imagined. Try to look at the situation from another perspective and honestly ask yourself: is it really so? Or maybe it's time to let some things go due to the passage of time?
In any case, remember that grievances can harm you the most. The Three of Swords in this position suggests it's time to let them go. When you release these fruitless worries, everything will change for the better.
The Meaning of the Card in Love in the Upright Position
In a love reading, the Three of Swords predicts a broken heart. Arguments, misunderstandings, infidelities. Disappointment, hurt feelings, and mutual accusations.Additionally, the card often speaks of unrequited love or a love triangle.
Sometimes, the card symbolizes the fear of losing a loved one, emotional suffering, and unfulfilled hopes.
If you are single, you might be stuck in thoughts about past relationships, making it difficult to find new love.
The Meaning of the Reversed Three of Swords in Love
In relationship matters, the reversed Three of Swords often signifies a difficult period, but it will be temporary. A quarrel will likely end in reconciliation, and a breakup will lead to a new chance at making up.The reversed Three of Swords often indicates a fragile union initially doomed to break up. Traditionally, it represents a cooling off in relationships.
In terms of events, the reversed Three of Swords signifies the revelation of betrayal, unpleasant past details that are no longer secret, or carefully hidden aspects of life.
Three of Swords as the Card of the Day
When the Three of Swords appears as the "Card of the Day," it may indicate the following:- Pain or disappointment. The Three of Swords points to a day filled with painful emotions or disappointment that one might experience today. This could be related to past events or difficult situations causing emotional pain.
- A possible direct confrontation with an enemy or rival.
- Injustice, broken promises.
- Difficulties in making decisions. One might feel uncertainty and anxiety.
What the Three of Swords Warns About
The Three of Swords tarot card can warn about the following:- Conflicts and Arguments. The card can warn about the possibility of conflicts and arguments in the near future. A person may face various obstacles that will trigger negative emotions and could lead to conflicts.
- End of Relationships. The breakup of a romantic union, friendship, or business relationship.
- Pain and Disappointment. This can be related to past events or difficult situations that cause emotional pain.
- Uncertainty. The card can warn about uncertainty or a lack of information, which may cause anxiety and worry.