The main archetype of this card is the materialist, and the primary feature of the Four of Pentacles is the desire for control. The ego seeks power and imposes its will. Control is necessary because, without it, chaos cannot be tamed. However, the desire to control everything often crosses boundaries, suppressing individuality and creativity.The card symbolizes excessive concern for the future, manifesting as greed, stinginess, and a deep fear of any changes. This position is inherently hostile to life because any attempts to fixate on the moment and keep everything as it is are not only futile but also contradict the natural order of things.
The lesson of the Four of Pentacles is that total control is impossible. No one can own and, moreover, manage such power. A person who believes they can control every aspect of life is simply a fool. The only way not to drown is to go with the flow to avoid irreparable consequences, while those who try to swim against the current will simply drown.
Symbolism of the Card
On the Four of Pentacles, we see a person sitting on a pedestal in a closed-off pose, holding a pentacle. His feet rest on two more pentacles, and the fourth pentacle is above his head. His self-satisfied expression and overall demeanor convey the main meaning of the card: possession. The person evaluates and firmly holds what he has.Far behind him, a city stretches out. The large distance symbolizes the gap between the individual and society.
The pentacles reflect an obsession with the material. Among all the Pentacle cards, this is the only one where the figure interacts so closely with them. In the other minor arcana Pentacle cards, the characters either simply hold them or they are in the background.
The pentacle on his head dooms the depicted person to immobility and stagnation because if he moves, it will fall. The pentacle he holds tightly in his hands, as if protecting it from threats, symbolizes greed. The person on the card believes that material values can protect him from any danger. The pentacles under his feet symbolize reliability; he stands firmly or at least feels confident.
The crown symbolizes power and professionalism, but it can also represent qualities like selfishness and boastfulness. The throne under the figure can also be seen as an attribute of power, but even it couldn't save the card's hero from loneliness. This is because people are the last thing on this person's mind.
Key Meaning
The Four of Pentacles cannot be categorized as either entirely positive or negative. On one hand, it symbolizes the preservation of honestly earned property, profit, and a desire to maintain stability. On the other hand, it speaks of greed, rigidity in thinking, reluctance to move forward, stagnation, and pettiness.General Meaning of the Card in Upright Position
The interpretation of the Four of Pentacles largely depends on the querent's area of interest.If the query involves something new (an idea, plan, business, etc.), the card advises focusing on the need for a comprehensive approach and thoughtful analysis of details. Only in this way can one form a correct understanding and assess the potential of the endeavor.
The Four of Pentacles can signify both property and talent or gift. Either way, the card speaks of preserving what belongs to you.
At the same time, the Four of Pentacles serves as a warning about the need to find a balance between the material and the spiritual. It reminds that the meaning of life is not in accumulating wealth. They are merely tools. Earned wealth should be shared with others.
The card may also indicate the need for decisive action regarding financial matters or important projects.
The General Meaning of the Card in Reversed Position
The reversed position of the Four of Pentacles, like its upright position, has many interpretations. It can symbolize financial losses, loss of stability, but also forced movement forward, stepping out of the comfort zone against one's will.In the reversed position, the card points to problems caused by excessive attachment to material things: greed, avarice, and stinginess. Constant fear of losing power or wealth has worsened the querent's life and hinders change (adjacent cards will indicate specific areas).
Additionally, the tarot reader from believes the card can be interpreted as contradictions, uncertainty, delays, obstacles, loss of income, lack of a clear plan of action, possible losses, and quarrels, especially with loved ones. These are often disputes over inheritance or division of property.
At the same time, the card points to new discoveries. Losing everything, a person learns to live anew, overcome fears and doubts, pull themselves out of stagnation, and take risks for a higher purpose.
The Meaning of the Card in Love in the Upright Position
In love readings, the Four of Pentacles indicates that the querent (or their partner) guards their significant other too jealously, possibly even using manipulative methods. One of the partners finds it hard to breathe in this relationship. If you want the union to flourish, you need to give the other person more freedom.The Four of Pentacles suggests that the querent fears open and unpredictable relationships and tries to replace them with behavioral patterns. They cling to their partner due to a subconscious fear of being alone.
If the querent is single, the Four of Pentacles can indicate unrequited love. The energy of this arcana is often too strong for newly formed relationships. Make sure that if you want to reveal your feelings to someone, you are understood correctly. Do not waste time on people with whom you have no prospects.
The Meaning of the Card in Love in Reversed Position
In a love reading, the reversed Four of Pentacles symbolizes movement. Most likely, one partner has had enough of the other's possessiveness and is rebelling, trying to defend their personal boundaries and freedom of choice.The card often points to arguments rooted in financial issues. Sometimes, the reversed Four of Pentacles suggests one partner has purely material interests.
Four of Pentacles as the Card of the Day
If you draw the Four of Pentacles as the card of the day, its meaning in this context can be as follows:- Upright position. Material success throughout the day. Important business deals will be successfully completed, and today's financial investments will bring profit, leading to abundance and comfort. The card may also indicate receiving help or support in financial matters.
- Reversed position. Uncertainty and difficulties in financial matters may arise during the day. Possible financial losses or issues with financial stability. Exercise caution in financial affairs and seek new opportunities to improve your financial situation.
What the Four of Pentacles Warns
The Four of Pentacles warns against trying to preserve your property or status quo at all costs. Prosperity and abundance accompany you in many aspects of life. The card urges you not to lock away your blessings but to share them with others. The "dog in the manger" attitude will bring no benefit and will only cause your loved ones to be disappointed in you.