The Five of Pentacles symbolizes a person or group of people who have become accustomed to their dire situation and can't even imagine it changing. Their perception is so limited that they miss opportunities.The characters of the Five of Pentacles are cold, hungry, tired, sick, and poor. This is the embodiment of total poverty, a ghost that haunts many in our world – a harsh reality.
However, the card can be interpreted not only as material loss. It can signify poor health or a lack of vital energy. The card may be a signal that we are neglecting our body's needs.
People represented by the Five of Pentacles have lost support. Doors are slammed in their faces, and they are outcasts. They feel isolated from society. In the background, a church is depicted, but they either do not see it or have been denied help and comfort.
Symbolism of the Card
The card depicts a pair of ragged beggars trudging through a snowy street. One of them has a broken leg. In the background, there is a stained glass window, presumably of a church, displaying five pentacles.The image perfectly conveys the atmosphere and main meaning of the Five of Pentacles: poverty, loss of strength, depression, health issues. But at the same time, salvation—the church—is nearby. Just find the entrance, and everything will be fine.
- The Church. However, the stone wall with the stained glass could belong to a wealthy family's home. Inside, it is bright, warm, and surely abundant. The stained glass is all that separates this abundance from the poverty outside. This hints at how quickly life circumstances can change, regardless of how strong our walls are.
- The Beggars. The man and woman on this card certainly embody illness, poverty, and suffering, but they may have deeper symbolism. Traditionally, the archetype of the beggar symbolizes the link between the real and the afterlife, reminding us of life's impermanence. This reminder of death prompts us to think more often about true values and our life's mission.
- The Bell on the Man's Neck. In the past, lepers wore such bells, perceived as living dead, unable to rely on others' help. The bandages on his leg also indicate leprosy.
- Crutches. They signify that you can always find a way out of a difficult situation—either on your own or with help from others. However, they may also symbolize delay and procrastination.
- Snow. It signifies purification, in this case, spiritual. However, snow also means that we have no ground beneath our feet—only water. This lack of support symbolizes a crisis of faith.
- Five Pentacles. Each of the fives in the minor arcana is associated with struggle, disappointment, and challenges. In tarot, five is the number of transition, which is never easy.
Key Meaning
The key meaning of the Minor Arcana card Five of Pentacles in tarot relates to themes of poverty, destitution, and material loss. The card symbolizes feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, and despair caused by a lack of material resources or failures in financial matters.Among the key words associated with this card by tarot readers are poverty, destitution, loneliness, despair, limitations, difficulties, challenges, failures, and material loss.
The card may also indicate the need to take responsibility for one's life and seek solutions to financial problems without expecting help from outside.
Overall, the Five of Pentacles is a card that reminds us that material security and abundance are not ends in themselves, but are important for a comfortable life and achieving goals. Their absence causes feelings of fear, anxiety, and doom. This card helps to understand that improvement is possible but will require effort and perseverance.
General Meaning of the Card in the Upright Position
The Five of Pentacles values spiritual assets over material ones. Therefore, its appearance in a spread often signifies the loss of something important, but in return, it brings invaluable experience.The Five symbolizes change and transformation. This card indicates that the querent is going through a "turbulence zone" that will significantly alter their life, but it won't destroy them; it will make them stronger.
The Arcane points to a decline, a crisis, regardless of the area in question. However, the situation seems worse than it actually is. In reality, things aren't that bad—the problem lies in emotions.
In business matters, the card suggests that short-term success in business is possible, but without proper attention to the venture, losses are inevitable.
In summary, the Five of Pentacles is a card of crisis, difficulties, and anxiety. A person feels unhappy, abandoned, and in strained circumstances. At the same time, it rarely predicts truly serious losses but rather points to the uncertainty of the situation and the subjective feeling of losing ground.
General Meaning of the Card in Reversed Position
The reversed Five of Pentacles often indicates an even more challenging situation. However, like in the upright position, the querent can gather strength and fix the situation.In some matters, the arcana may predict the imminent end of stagnation or a difficult period. Problems still exist, but their solution is on the horizon.
Another possible interpretation: in the recent past, the querent faced severe trials, but now they are behind. Positive changes are on the horizon: resolving financial issues, improving living conditions, and recovery.
The reversed Five of Pentacles may indicate excessive expenditure of energy and physical exhaustion.
The Meaning of the Card in Love in Upright Position
When the Five of Pentacles card appears in a love reading, it often brings feelings of rejection, insecurity, and lack of attention.In these matters, the card should not be seen as a good sign. Its appearance should be viewed as a warning—you need to reassess the relationship and honestly ask yourself: "Is everything going the way I want it to?".
The card may also warn against starting new relationships before achieving financial stability.
The Meaning of the Card in Love in the Reversed Position
In a love reading, the reversed Five of Pentacles may indicate a wrong choice of partner. Weigh and analyze everything once more, listen to your heart, and decide if this person is truly "yours."The card may also warn of betrayal by a partner. However, to avoid unfounded accusations, it is worth referring to the neighboring cards.
It may refer to a betrayal that one partner has committed but does not consider a mistake. However, the card suggests that everything can still be fixed if approached correctly.
Five of Pentacles as the Card of the Day
When the Five of Pentacles card appears in the "Card of the Day" reading, it can mean the following:- Upright Position. Possible difficulties in the material sphere, related to finances or work. Apathy, powerlessness, lack of motivation, unwillingness to act.
- Reversed Position. The person is ready to overcome difficulties and accept challenges related to the financial sphere. They will need to show persistence and resilience to overcome obstacles and achieve success.
What the Five of Pentacles Warns About
The Five of Pentacles card can warn of difficulties in the material sphere related to money, work, or other aspects of life that may pressure the querent.The card can also indicate feelings of isolation and alienation that may arise due to financial problems or other difficulties. To solve them, the card advises the following:
- Seek support from others: family and friends. You should not feel isolated and helpless.
- Don't panic. Panic and fear will only worsen the situation. It is important to stay calm and maintain a positive mindset.
- Accept the challenge and don't be afraid to take risks. The path to solving the problem will likely be difficult and unpredictable, but with persistence and patience, you will achieve your goal.
- Plan your budget. The Five of Pentacles reminds you of the importance of budgeting and thoughtful money management. A balanced approach to finances can help avoid future problems and reduce stress levels.