Combination of card Two of Wands and card Four of Swords
In the first scenario, when the Four of Swords and the Two of Wands are upright, they both emphasize the need for planning and reflection. The person who selected this combination is likely facing an important choice or decision. It's crucial to carefully consider each step before making a decision. This could involve choosing a new career path or planning a major purchase.
Combination of reversed card Two of Wands and card Four of Swords
If the Four of Swords in an upright position appears with the Two of Wands reversed, it warns that the person might be too absorbed in their plans, genuinely believing in their feasibility while ignoring reality. Such a person might, for example, plan to move to another city without considering financial challenges and potential difficulties in finding a job.
Combination of card Two of Wands and reversed card Four of Swords
In the third option, the Four of Swords is reversed, and the Two of Wands is upright. This may indicate that the person feels stressed or overworked, which hinders their ability to assess their opportunities and prospects accurately. For example, they may feel overwhelmed at work, thus hindering their career advancement.
Combination of reversed card Two of Wands and reversed card Four of Swords
In the latest version, both cards are reversed. This suggests the person likely can't reflect on their future and make important choices because they feel overwhelmed or stressed. They might be too busy with current issues and unable to focus on future planning. For example, they may be occupied with solving family problems and thus miss career growth opportunities.