Three of Pentacles and The Tower

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Three of Pentacles and The Tower cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Three of Pentacles and card The Tower

Both arcana in the upright position indicate a major upheaval and a period of restructuring. The Tower suggests a sudden change in circumstances, while the Three of Pentacles highlights the need for hard work and diligence. After an event that might upend your worldview, you may need to pull yourself together and start anew. This process can be tough and even painful, but don't lose hope. Every crisis can make you stronger and wiser.

Combination of reversed card Three of Pentacles and card The Tower

Let's consider the combination of the Upright Tower and the Reversed Three of Pentacles. The Tower warns of upcoming changes that may not be pleasant. At the same time, the Reversed Three of Pentacles speaks of a possible loss of interest in work or a reluctance to face difficulties. The upcoming changes might make you want to avoid problems, but it's better to try to stay afloat and remain active.

Combination of card Three of Pentacles and reversed card The Tower

The Reversed Tower and Upright Three of Pentacles indicate significant challenges ahead. However, things might not be as bad as they seem. The Reversed Tower suggests changes may not be as drastic as expected, while the Upright Three of Pentacles encourages you to take control and actively work on improving the situation. It's important not to panic or lose hope.

Combination of reversed card Three of Pentacles and reversed card The Tower

The last combination is the reversed Tower and Three of Pentacles. This suggests possible difficulties, but they won't be critical. The reversed Tower indicates that the expected changes may not be as swift and dramatic as you anticipated. The reversed Three of Pentacles hints at a possible loss of interest in work or an unwillingness to overcome difficulties. It is important to remember your goals and strive to move forward despite the challenges.