Three of Cups and The World

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Three of Cups and The World cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Three of Cups and card The World

When The World and Three of Cups appear upright, it's a sign of potential success and well-being. The World symbolizes harmony and inner peace, while the Three of Cups promises joy, communication, and celebration. This combination may indicate that events are unfolding favorably, leading to happiness and comfort. We may expect a meeting with friends or the successful completion of a long-term project.

Combination of reversed card Three of Cups and card The World

The World upright and the Three of Cups reversed might indicate that harmony and joy are slightly disrupted. Some plans for socializing or celebrating might be postponed or not go as expected. This is no reason to be upset, as the World promises that everything will be fine, you just need to wait out this moment.

Combination of card Three of Cups and reversed card The World

The Reversed World and the Upright Three of Cups indicate that despite some obstacles or stagnation, there is still room for joy and socializing. The World in reverse suggests some instability, but the Three of Cups promises that despite all difficulties, there will be room for positive emotions and pleasant interactions.

Combination of reversed card Three of Cups and reversed card The World

The reversed World and Three of Cups might indicate that the person currently feels some instability or disharmony. Plans for a celebration or meeting with friends may be canceled or postponed. However, despite these minor setbacks, don't get discouraged. It's important to remember that a period of calm and joy always follows any obstacles.