Three of Cups and Seven of Cups

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Three of Cups and Seven of Cups cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Three of Cups and card Seven of Cups

Fun times, socializing, and meeting friends are the first things that come to mind with these two cards. Harmony, peace of mind, and the joy of communication become the main theme. However, illusions and deceit, particularly self-deception, may also arise. This might be because someone in your circle tries to embellish reality or hide certain things.

Combination of card Three of Cups and reversed card Seven of Cups

Once again, a wonderful time full of joy and friendly gatherings. But now there are too many empty promises and unrealistic dreams that distract from reality. Maybe it's worth trying to limit your communication and not trust everything people say. This will help maintain clarity of mind and avoid falling for deceivers' tricks.

Combination of reversed card Three of Cups and card Seven of Cups

Communication no longer brings joy; instead, it causes irritation and fatigue. Maybe a friend has become too intrusive or is deluding themselves. Whether this is a real problem or just an illusion is hard to say. It's worth being more attentive and trying to understand what's really going on.

Combination of reversed card Three of Cups and reversed card Seven of Cups

The situation keeps getting more complicated. Talking to friends seems to make things worse, creating more misunderstandings and conflicts. Maybe it's worth stopping communication for a while to sort out your feelings and thoughts. After all, illusions and self-deception can be very dangerous if you believe in them and let them control your life.