The Tower and The Star

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of The Tower and The Star cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card The Tower and card The Star

This is quite an interesting combination. The Star, in its upright position, symbolizes hope, faith, and inspiration. On the other hand, the Tower in its upright position represents sudden changes and crises. It's like rain after a long drought - at first, it's a shock, but then you realize it was necessary for new growth. Here, you can see the need to go through a crisis to achieve renewal.

Combination of reversed card The Tower and card The Star

However, if the Tower is reversed and the Star is upright, things become somewhat more complicated. The reversed Tower indicates a refusal to change or the fear it causes. Along with the Star, which symbolizes hope, this can suggest that despite fears and uncertainties, there is hope and faith in better things. It's like being afraid to jump into the water but believing that you will learn to swim.

Combination of card The Tower and reversed card The Star

Now let's look at the reversed Star and the upright Tower. The Star in reverse symbolizes a lack of faith and hope, while the Tower means an inevitable confrontation with reality. It's like falling off a bike when you're still unsure of yourself. It's important to remember that after this, you can get up, dust yourself off, and try again.

Combination of reversed card The Tower and reversed card The Star

The reversed Star and the Tower. The Star symbolizes losing hope, and the Tower represents the fear of change. It's like standing on the threshold of a new job, afraid that everything will go wrong. But remember that these fears and uncertainties are just feelings that you can overcome. It's important to remember your strengths and strive for the best.