The Sun and Judgement

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of The Sun and Judgement cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card The Sun and card Judgement

The Sun in the upright position with Judgment also in the upright position indicates confidence in your abilities and skills. This combination can signify a happy outcome, a full understanding of your purpose, and readiness for new beginnings. A period of harmony and satisfaction is likely ahead. For example, the successful completion of a project or positive changes in personal life.

Combination of card The Sun and reversed card Judgement

The Sun in an upright position and the reversed Judgment card create an interesting combination. This might indicate the need to make important decisions that could cause doubts. You may face challenges, but with self-confidence and a clear vision of the situation, you will overcome them successfully. This could involve a difficult choice at work or in your personal life.

Combination of reversed card The Sun and card Judgement

With the Sun reversed and Justice upright, an unexpected turn of events might lead to undesirable consequences. However, don't lose hope, as such trials help reveal our inner strength and resilience. You may face a period of instability or crisis, but these moments teach us to appreciate the happy times in life.

Combination of reversed card The Sun and reversed card Judgement

The situation with the reversed Sun and reversed Judgment can be complicated. Feelings of uncertainty and fear of the unknown may make it harder to understand what's happening. However, it's important to remember that each challenge is a step toward personal growth and self-improvement. You might face a crisis, but it will help you see your weaknesses and work on overcoming them.