Strength and The World

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Strength and The World cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Strength and card The World

When the World card in an upright position meets the Strength card also in an upright position, a harmonious combination arises. It's like a symphony where each instrument plays its role, creating a magnificent sound. The World emphasizes harmony and wholeness, while Strength adds confidence and resilience. It's like a skilled swimmer navigating a river, unafraid of the current thanks to their strength and ability.

Combination of reversed card Strength and card The World

The combination of the World upright and Strength reversed presents an interesting contradiction. It's like trying to lift a heavy stone while staying calm and relaxed. The World here indicates a desire for harmony, but the reversed Strength might mean a loss of control or uncertainty. It's like driving a car: you aim for smoothness and harmony, but sometimes you lose confidence behind the wheel.

Combination of card Strength and reversed card The World

Meeting The World reversed and Strength upright is like fighting windmills. The World reversed may indicate disharmony or inner conflict, while Strength upright suggests the need to use strength and confidence to overcome obstacles. It’s like trying to swim upstream, using all your strength and confidence.

Combination of reversed card Strength and reversed card The World

The combination of The World reversed and Strength reversed is like trying to find a way out of a dark maze. The World reversed indicates a lack of harmony and wholeness, while Strength reversed can suggest insecurity or loss of control. It's like trying to navigate a dense forest, unsure of which direction to go and without confidence in your abilities.