Strength and The Sun

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Strength and The Sun cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Strength and card The Sun

The Sun and Strength in the upright position together tell a story of overcoming difficulties, of courage and confidence. This energetic tandem speaks of the need for inner strength and self-discipline to achieve success. It may be challenging for a while, but it ultimately brings a bright and happy outcome.

Combination of reversed card Strength and card The Sun

We look at the Sun upright combined with Strength reversed. This indicates a situation where a person lacks the strength to overcome difficulties. They still strive for a bright future but struggle with self-control or discipline. It might be worth learning to manage their emotions and actions.

Combination of card Strength and reversed card The Sun

The reversed Sun paired with upright Strength. This combination indicates a challenging period with obstacles and doubts. However, the person has the strength to overcome these difficulties. It's important to show confidence and courage to achieve their goals.

Combination of reversed card Strength and reversed card The Sun

The reversed Sun and reversed Strength together make a difficult combination. The person likely faces problems and feels despair. They might feel weak and unable to cope with difficulties. It's important to remember that after a storm, calm always follows, and one must find the strength to continue the fight.