The Moon and Judgement

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of The Moon and Judgement cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card The Moon and card Judgement

The upright position of the Moon combined with the upright position of Justice indicates a period when intuition and destiny go hand in hand. This might mean that major life decisions you make are based on your inner voice and your perception of the world around you. It could be a time when your dreams and desires can become reality. You may need to answer for past actions, but you approach this with readiness and understanding.

Combination of card The Moon and reversed card Judgement

The upright Moon combined with the reversed Judgment may suggest that you could face some difficulties in trying to understand your feelings and emotions. You might feel unable to recognize the fairness or unfairness of your actions. This could be a time of doubt and uncertainty as you try to find a balance between your feelings and reality.

Combination of reversed card The Moon and card Judgement

The reversed Moon combined with the upright Judgment indicates that you might face a period when your inner state and reality conflict. You may feel that your inner self doesn't match what's happening around you. This could be a time to accept your feelings and emotions and allow yourself to express them. Remember that every action has consequences and responsibility.

Combination of reversed card The Moon and reversed card Judgement

The reversed Moon and reversed Judgment might indicate a time when you face self-doubt and fear of the unknown. You may feel unable to make important decisions or find your path. During this period, it is important to stay open to new ideas and remain confident, no matter what challenges lie ahead.