The Magician and Five of Wands

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of The Magician and Five of Wands cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card The Magician and card Five of Wands

A powerful and inspiring combination occurs when the Magician's energy reflects in the dynamic activity of the Five of Wands. It's like having boundless energy and eagerly jumping into the fray, unafraid of challenges. Perhaps now is the perfect time to take action and implement your plans.

Combination of card The Magician and reversed card Five of Wands

However, the combination of The Magician in the upright position and the Five of Wands in the reversed position may indicate that the energy you invest in your endeavors is not being properly utilized. You might be facing conflicts or competition that hinder your progress.

Combination of reversed card The Magician and card Five of Wands

If the Magician appears reversed and the Five of Wands upright, it may indicate a lack of confidence or strength for active steps. You might feel out of place, as if your abilities are not being used properly. It's like trying to start a car with an empty tank.

Combination of reversed card The Magician and reversed card Five of Wands

In the most complex combination, when both arcana are reversed, it feels like the Magician's energy has run out, and the Five of Wands brings nothing but conflicts and obstacles. It's like rowing against the current without seeing the end. Maybe it's time to take a break and rethink your strategies. As they say, retreating doesn't mean losing.