Combination of card The Lovers and card Knight of Wands
The combination of The Lovers and Knight of Wands in an upright position symbolizes harmony and energy. This can mean new romances, sincere feelings, passion, and enthusiasm. It could be the beginning of a significant new phase in life, filled with events and actions. However, it's important to remember the need for balance and harmony. Don't get too carried away and burn out at work or in relationships; it's crucial to find the golden mean.
Combination of card The Lovers and reversed card Knight of Wands
When the Lovers remain upright, and the Knight of Wands is reversed, some disharmony arises. The person might feel passion and strong emotions, but something prevents them from moving forward and taking action. It could be fear of new relationships, self-doubt, or issues at work. It might be worth taking a break to reconsider one's goals and desires.
Combination of reversed card The Lovers and card Knight of Wands
When The Lovers are reversed, and the Knight of Wands is upright, an interesting dynamic arises. The person may actively pursue their goals, but something might be amiss in relationships. There could be misunderstandings, disagreements, or conflicts. In this situation, pay more attention to your feelings and relationships, and try to find common ground with your partner or colleagues.
Combination of reversed card The Lovers and reversed card Knight of Wands
If both arcana are reversed, this might indicate difficulties and obstacles. The person may feel disappointed in relationships, dissatisfied with their job, or simply tired from constant struggles and actions. In this case, it's worth taking a break, setting aside time for oneself, and rethinking one's goals and desires. It might also be helpful to seek support from loved ones or professionals.