Combination of card The High Priestess and card The Moon
When the High Priestess in an upright position meets the Moon also in an upright position, it signifies deep intuitive abilities and mysterious connections between the universe and the individual. Intuition and subconscious forces become important guides in life. Rituals and ceremonies may be present as a way to interact with our spiritual side. This can also indicate a strong connection between a woman and her feminine energy.
Combination of card The High Priestess and reversed card The Moon
The combination of the High Priestess upright and the Moon reversed might indicate that a person is truly seeking their true self and trying to resolve their distorted illusions. However, there is a chance of encountering deception or illusion. A deeper understanding of oneself and the subconscious is needed. It might be worth consulting a psychologist or keeping a journal for better self-understanding.
Combination of reversed card The High Priestess and card The Moon
When the High Priestess in reverse combines with the Moon upright, it may indicate potential difficulties in understanding one's intuition and subconscious. The person might reject their feminine side or struggle with perceiving their emotions and feelings. It's essential to listen to oneself and allow time for inner work.
Combination of reversed card The High Priestess and reversed card The Moon
In the case of the High Priestess reversed and the Moon also reversed, this may indicate fears and unresolved issues that prevent the individual from fully expressing their intuition and subconscious awareness. This is a time for self-analysis and resolving inner conflicts to free oneself from fears, illusions, and self-deception.