The Hierophant and Eight of Swords

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of The Hierophant and Eight of Swords cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card The Hierophant and card Eight of Swords

The pair of these cards symbolizes an internal conflict between spirituality and the inability to act. The Hierophant, as a symbol of spiritual insight, faces the limitations of the Eight of Swords. The person may have potential and knowledge but can't use them due to fears or self-doubt. For example, a scientist with deep knowledge in their field but afraid to apply it in practice.

Combination of card The Hierophant and reversed card Eight of Swords

The combination of these cards suggests that a person may face difficulties in applying their spiritual knowledge in real life. The Hierophant, as a symbol of the prophet, may encounter mistrust and criticism from others, symbolized by the reversed Eight of Swords. This could be a priest who faces distrust from his parishioners or a teacher whose teaching methods cause doubts among students.

Combination of reversed card The Hierophant and card Eight of Swords

When the Hierophant in reverse combines with the upright Eight of Swords, it means that a person may struggle to understand their inner world and overcome their inner fears. They might fear accepting and understanding their true feelings and emotions. This could be an artist afraid to express their ideas through their art or a writer afraid to reveal their deepest thoughts and feelings.

Combination of reversed card The Hierophant and reversed card Eight of Swords

When both cards are reversed, it may indicate that a person faces a crisis of faith and loss of control over their life. They might have lost spiritual direction and confidence in their abilities. This could be someone who has lost faith in their goals and dreams or feels that their life is out of control.