The Hermit and Queen of Pentacles

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of The Hermit and Queen of Pentacles cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card The Hermit and card Queen of Pentacles

When the Hermit in an upright position combines with the Queen of Pentacles, it creates a strong but complex combination. The Hermit symbolizes the search for inner truth, while the Queen of Pentacles represents the mother-earth figure, a symbol of prosperity and comfort. Together, they emphasize the need for balance between the internal and external worlds. For example, you can focus on spiritual development while not forgetting about a comfortable life.

Combination of card The Hermit and reversed card Queen of Pentacles

When the Hermit in the upright position combines with the Queen of Pentacles in the reversed position, it may indicate imbalance. On one hand, there is a desire for self-discovery and seeking truth; on the other hand, there is unwillingness or inability to care for material well-being. This can lead to money or home issues.

Combination of reversed card The Hermit and card Queen of Pentacles

The combination of the reversed Hermit and the upright Queen of Pentacles suggests the need to pay attention to the material world. Excessive focus on spirituality might make you forget about reality. Remember, for a comfortable life, it's important to balance both aspects of existence.

Combination of reversed card The Hermit and reversed card Queen of Pentacles

When both arcana are reversed, it indicates a complete lack of balance. The reversed Hermit can mean that a person has lost their way in the search for truth, while the reversed Queen of Pentacles speaks of problems in the material world. It's important to take control of the situation and start seeking harmony between the spiritual and physical worlds.