Combination of card The Hanged Man and card The Tower
When the Tower in its upright position meets the Hanged Man, this combination can signify sudden changes and a reassessment of values. The Tower destroys old structures, and the Hanged Man offers a new perspective on the ruins. It can be a bit shocking, but it's often a necessary process for growth and development. For example, a person may suddenly lose their job, but this loss allows them to rethink their priorities and find something that truly satisfies them.
Combination of reversed card The Hanged Man and card The Tower
When the Tower in an upright position combines with the Hanged Man in a reversed position, it can indicate a refusal to accept necessary changes or a reluctance to see things in a new way. The Tower demolishes the old, but the reversed Hanged Man may resist these changes, preferring to stay in the familiar and comfortable. This can lead to stagnation and dissatisfaction. For example, if a person learns about a new and better way to do their job but stubbornly sticks to the old method, they may miss out on progress.
Combination of card The Hanged Man and reversed card The Tower
The combination of the reversed Tower and the upright Hanged Man can indicate resistance to necessary changes and inability to change one's views. The Tower in a reversed position suggests fear or ignorance of change, while the Hanged Man emphasizes the need for a new perspective. For example, a person might ignore the need to leave an unsatisfying job or relationship, continuing to stay in an old and unhealthy lifestyle.
Combination of reversed card The Hanged Man and reversed card The Tower
When the Tower and the Hanged Man are both reversed, it can indicate stagnation and fear of change. Both cards in this position suggest a fear of change and an inability to see things from a new perspective. This can lead to stagnation and even regression. For example, if a person keeps getting stuck in the same unhealthy relationships or a job that doesn't satisfy them, they may feel stuck and unable to move forward.