The Empress and Ten of Cups

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of The Empress and Ten of Cups cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card The Empress and card Ten of Cups

The Empress upright and the Ten of Cups upright promise a calm and stable period. This is a time of prosperity when everything in life goes according to plan. The Empress symbolizes motherhood, care, and wealth, while the Ten of Cups signifies joy, happiness, and contentment. It might indicate an important event related to family or close ones, such as the birth of a child or a wedding.

Combination of card The Empress and reversed card Ten of Cups

If the Empress remains upright and the Ten of Cups is reversed, some tension may arise. The reversed Ten of Cups signifies disappointment or loss. On one hand, the Empress continues to provide care and support, but on the other hand, something takes away joy and satisfaction. This could be related to family issues or an unexpected turn of events.

Combination of reversed card The Empress and card Ten of Cups

When the Empress is reversed, the situation changes. The Empress in the reversed position may indicate fatigue, excessive care, or poor health. But the Ten of Cups in the upright position promises that despite all difficulties, happiness and fulfillment will be found. It may mean that overcoming challenges will bring a new level of joy and understanding in life.

Combination of reversed card The Empress and reversed card Ten of Cups

If both cards are reversed, it may indicate a challenging period. The Empress reversed suggests exhaustion, health issues, or excessive care. The Ten of Cups reversed adds a general sense of disappointment or loss. This could relate to serious family problems or other difficulties. But remember, these are temporary challenges and will pass.