The Chariot and The World

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of The Chariot and The World cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card The Chariot and card The World

In this combination of cards, they interact like two powerful and positive arcana. The World speaks of harmony and satisfaction, while The Chariot signifies success and determination. Most likely, we are talking about someone who achieves their goals and finds deep fulfillment in their accomplishments. This could be a successful businessman who loves his job or someone who has found their perfect place in life.

Combination of reversed card The Chariot and card The World

When The World is upright and The Chariot is reversed, this combination of cards indicates obstacles on the path to achieving goals. The World still speaks of harmony and satisfaction, but the reversed Chariot may mean that the person has encountered an obstacle or is delaying their plans. This could be a student striving for success but facing difficulties in their studies.

Combination of card The Chariot and reversed card The World

The combination of the Reversed World and the Upright Chariot indicates a situation where a person actively moves towards their goal but feels discomfort or dissatisfaction. This could be a situation where someone works hard but does not feel fulfilled, or when they have achieved their goal but feel that they missed or lost something along the way.

Combination of reversed card The Chariot and reversed card The World

When both cards are reversed, we likely talk about a person facing difficulties in achieving their goals and experiencing frustration. The reversed World and Chariot may indicate a situation where someone has lost their way or doubts their goals. This could be an example of a person who has become disillusioned with their profession or lost interest in their hobbies.