The Chariot and Ten of Pentacles

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of The Chariot and Ten of Pentacles cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card The Chariot and card Ten of Pentacles

When The Chariot looks straight ahead, it speaks of striving for goals and confidence, while the Ten of Pentacles in its upright position reflects prosperity and security. This combination portrays a successful, self-assured person who achieves their goals and has a solid financial foundation. It's like a ship captain confidently steering their vessel to a wealthy port.

Combination of card The Chariot and reversed card Ten of Pentacles

If the Ten of Pentacles appears reversed, the situation changes. The Chariot still speaks of ambition and confidence, but the Ten of Pentacles now warns of possible financial difficulties or losses. It reminds one of a confident businessman who invests all his resources in a risky project without proper preparation.

Combination of reversed card The Chariot and card Ten of Pentacles

We switch the cards. The Chariot has flipped, while the Ten of Pentacles remains upright. Here we see a loss of self-confidence and direction, but material well-being persists. It's like a successful person who suddenly loses their sense and purpose in life, yet retains their fortune.

Combination of reversed card The Chariot and reversed card Ten of Pentacles

Finally, if both cards are reversed, it indicates a loss of self-confidence, goals, and material well-being. It's like a person who has lost their job and is simultaneously experiencing a life crisis, unsure of what goals to set for the future.