The Chariot and King of Cups

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of The Chariot and King of Cups cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card The Chariot and card King of Cups

When the Chariot in an upright position combines with the King of Cups, it promises harmonious developments. The strength and determination of the Chariot, combined with the sensitivity and depth of the King of Cups, help achieve goals. This may mean the need to apply authority and persistence but not forget about feelings and emotions.

Combination of card The Chariot and reversed card King of Cups

The combination of The Chariot in an upright position and the King of Cups reversed may indicate a conflict between the drive for action and suppressed emotional states. It might be challenging to find a balance between activity and emotional well-being, which can lead to a clash of interests.

Combination of reversed card The Chariot and card King of Cups

When the Chariot is reversed and the King of Cups is upright, it can mean that emotional well-being takes precedence over the urge to act. The situation may require stepping back and dedicating time to inner self-work. Instead of rushing into action, it's better to listen to your feelings and emotions.

Combination of reversed card The Chariot and reversed card King of Cups

The combination of the reversed Chariot and the King of Cups can indicate a confusing situation. Emotional state is likely suppressed, and the drive for action is lost. This might be a time to evaluate your inner world and understand the circumstances that led to this situation. It's important not to get stuck in passivity and to sort out your feelings.