The Chariot and Eight of Cups

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of The Chariot and Eight of Cups cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card The Chariot and card Eight of Cups

This combination speaks of courage and determination in overcoming obstacles. The Chariot signifies the ability to control one's destiny, while the Eight of Cups highlights the readiness to let go of the unnecessary for new opportunities. It's highly likely that someone will decide to radically change their life, putting all their efforts into achieving their goal.

Combination of card The Chariot and reversed card Eight of Cups

In another scenario, you can see an equally interesting picture. The Chariot means taking control of your life, and the reversed Eight of Cups indicates a reluctance to change anything, a fear of the new. This might be because the person is facing a choice but is afraid to make it, preferring to stay in their comfort zone.

Combination of reversed card The Chariot and card Eight of Cups

The Reversed Chariot and the Eight of Cups together can indicate a sense of powerlessness in the face of circumstances. Perhaps the person encountered an insurmountable obstacle and chose to walk away and start something new rather than face the challenge. But this isn't necessarily bad – sometimes retreating to regain strength and then returning is a smart move.

Combination of reversed card The Chariot and reversed card Eight of Cups

If both arcana are reversed, the situation changes significantly. The reversed Chariot symbolizes a loss of control, while the reversed Eight of Cups indicates a fear of change. Something in life might signal a call to action, but the person may not find the strength to make a change. This could relate to any area of life: work, personal relationships, health.