Combination of card Six of Swords and card Seven of Wands
The Six of Swords in an upright position symbolizes transition, travel, and moving away from problems. In this context, the Seven of Wands, representing defense and persistence, might suggest the need to protect your interests in a new place or environment. This could involve changing jobs, a new setting, or relocating. But remember, in the new place, you will have to prove your right to a place in the sun.
Combination of card Six of Swords and reversed card Seven of Wands
If the Seven of Wands comes out reversed, it might indicate that you are overly fixated on your problems. A change of scenery, suggested by the Six of Swords, might be exactly what you need to distract yourself and gain a new perspective. But remember, avoiding problems is not always the best solution. The answer might be right on the surface, just try to look at the situation from a different angle.
Combination of reversed card Six of Swords and card Seven of Wands
The reversed Six of Swords suggests a reluctance to change anything in your life and a fear of new challenges. Coupled with the upright Seven of Wands, it may indicate a fear of change and a desire to protect your familiar world from external influences. But remember, change is an inevitable part of life, and it can bring not only problems but also new opportunities. Don't be afraid to let go of the old and embrace the new.
Combination of reversed card Six of Swords and reversed card Seven of Wands
If both cards are reversed, it might indicate that you are in a state of stagnation. The reversed Six of Swords speaks of a fear of change, and the reversed Seven of Wands indicates a loss of confidence. Don't be afraid to face your fears and doubts. Understanding your fears is the first step to overcoming them. You can succeed if you allow yourself to move forward.