Combination of card Six of Swords and card Eight of Swords
The Six of Swords upright and the Eight of Swords upright together symbolize a transitional period. This might be a time to let go of the old and embrace the new. Don't fear change; it leads to growth. You may need to overcome some obstacles and make tough decisions, but ultimately, it will lead to something better. As the great Goethe once said, "Whatever you let go of will return to you in a new form."
Combination of card Six of Swords and reversed card Eight of Swords
The combination of the Six of Swords upright and the Eight of Swords reversed can indicate a conflict between the desire for change and the fear of the unknown. It's like a transitional moment when you know you need to move forward, but something holds you back. It might be worth listening to your fears and trying to understand them. They might reveal important information about what your heart truly wants.
Combination of reversed card Six of Swords and card Eight of Swords
When the Six of Swords reversed pairs with the Eight of Swords upright, it can indicate upcoming challenges. But remember, these challenges can lead to personal growth and self-improvement. You might have to face difficulties and hardships, but they can drive positive change. Even in the toughest situations, you can always find a way out.
Combination of reversed card Six of Swords and reversed card Eight of Swords
The combination of the reversed Six of Swords and the reversed Eight of Swords suggests that you may feel confused and unprepared for upcoming changes. It might be worth accepting your feelings and understanding that it's okay to feel uncertain sometimes. Remember, every challenge is an opportunity to become stronger. Now might be the right time to think about what truly matters in life and what goals you want to achieve.