Combination of card Seven of Wands and card Nine of Wands
When two people stand side by side, looking challenges straight in the eye, they are like the Seven and Nine of Wands in the upright position. Together, they are invincible, showing strength, determination, and attention to detail. This team can conquer any peak because they are focused and confident in their abilities. They probably spend a lot of time together, discussing strategies and planning their next steps.
Combination of card Seven of Wands and reversed card Nine of Wands
The Seven of Wands upright and the Nine of Wands reversed are like two fighters: one keeps fighting, while the other is tired. They are still together, but their energy is wasted. They need to find time to rest and recover, or they risk missing their goals due to exhaustion.
Combination of reversed card Seven of Wands and card Nine of Wands
The situation resembles a crossroads where the Seven of Wands reversed meets the Nine of Wands. Distraction and uncertainty mix with persistence and determination. They might find a path to success together, but only if they listen to each other and work on their weaknesses.
Combination of reversed card Seven of Wands and reversed card Nine of Wands
If the Seven and Nine of Wands both appear reversed, it could mean that two people are struggling but cannot find common ground. They might feel that their efforts are wasted and find it hard to stay optimistic. They might need to take a break and rethink their strategy to regain confidence and focus.