Seven of Cups and Nine of Cups

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Seven of Cups and Nine of Cups cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Seven of Cups and card Nine of Cups

Here is an interesting combination: complete satisfaction and success on one side, and dreams and illusions on the other. Harmony and pleasure in personal life coexist with unresolved issues and an uncertain future. For example, a person lives in prosperity but cannot determine their life goals.

Combination of reversed card Seven of Cups and card Nine of Cups

Imagine this: a person is content with their life, enjoying it, but at the same time, they face deception, illusion, or a loss of understanding of their path. They might be happy in their personal life but experience uncertainty in their professional sphere or cannot see a clear future.

Combination of card Seven of Cups and reversed card Nine of Cups

Imagine a person faces disappointment or dissatisfaction in their life. They have lost the joy and contentment they once felt. However, they have dreams and desires they want to fulfill. They might want to change their life but don't know how to do it yet.

Combination of reversed card Seven of Cups and reversed card Nine of Cups

Finally, both arcana are in a reversed position. This may indicate that the person has faced dissatisfaction in their life and lost their illusions. They might be disappointed in their dreams and future. For example, they could have started a new project with great enthusiasm but encountered obstacles along the way and lost faith in its successful completion.