Combination of card Queen of Cups and card King of Wands
When the Queen of Cups and the King of Wands meet upright, it indicates a strong connection between two people. There is emotional and spiritual harmony. This could be a relationship based on deep love and mutual understanding. They feel comfortable and safe together. This combination promises a happy and prosperous life.
Combination of card Queen of Cups and reversed card King of Wands
However, if the Queen of Cups is upright and the King of Wands is reversed, some tension might arise. This can be due to one partner acting impulsively without considering the other's feelings. A lack of mutual support and respect can lead to conflicts. It's important to remember the need to consider each other's interests and emotions.
Combination of reversed card Queen of Cups and card King of Wands
If the Queen of Cups is reversed and the King of Wands is upright, relationship problems may arise. The Queen might be too emotional and withdrawn in her own world, which prevents her from seeing reality. The King, on the other hand, might show aggression and intolerance. This combination suggests the need for deeper understanding and patience in the relationship.
Combination of reversed card Queen of Cups and reversed card King of Wands
Finally, if both arcana are in a reversed position, this symbolizes a deep personal crisis. People in relationships might face problems that prevent them from being happy. Misunderstandings, grievances, and disappointments may arise. It's important to understand that these are temporary difficulties that can be overcome by working on oneself and one's emotions.