Nine of Wands and The Star

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Nine of Wands and The Star cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Nine of Wands and card The Star

This is a rather unique combination of cards. The Star in the upright position symbolizes hope, faith, and inspiration, while the Nine of Wands in the upright position speaks of readiness to fight and defend. This may indicate a situation where hope and faith support a person in overcoming difficulties. They might be on the verge of a major achievement, and their perseverance will soon be rewarded.

Combination of reversed card Nine of Wands and card The Star

If the Star in the upright position combines with the Nine of Wands reversed, it might indicate a situation where a person lets their fears and worries interfere with their self-belief and dreams. They may need to actively fight these fears to regain their optimism and faith in the future.

Combination of card Nine of Wands and reversed card The Star

If the Star in reverse combines with the Nine of Wands upright, it may indicate a loss of hope and self-belief, but the person is still ready to fight. They might face serious difficulties, but they are not ready to give up. This may be a call to rethink their approach and regain faith in themselves and their future.

Combination of reversed card Nine of Wands and reversed card The Star

Finally, if the Star in reverse combines with the Nine of Wands also in reverse, it may indicate a situation where a person has completely lost faith in themselves and their dreams and is no longer willing to fight. They might be facing a crisis or depression and need to find new sources of inspiration and hope to get back to life.