Combination of card Nine of Wands and card Death
Death in the upright position and the Nine of Wands in the upright position interact very interestingly. Death symbolizes significant changes and transitions, while the Nine of Wands represents defense and overcoming obstacles. This combination may indicate that someone is going through a period of significant change and using their strength and perseverance to overcome obstacles. It could be a transition to a new job, moving to another city, or a change in life path.
Combination of reversed card Nine of Wands and card Death
Death in the upright position and the Nine of Wands in the reversed position can indicate fear and resistance to change. Death symbolizes the inevitability of changes, but the reversed Nine of Wands may suggest fear of these changes and a desire to avoid them. This could be fear of a new job, fear of losing a familiar way of life, or fear of the unknown.
Combination of card Nine of Wands and reversed card Death
Death in reverse and Nine of Wands upright can indicate stagnation and reluctance to move forward. Death in reverse symbolizes a refusal to change, while the Nine of Wands upright speaks of persistence and determination. This may refer to a habitual job that has long lost its appeal or a relationship that brings no joy but is hard to leave.
Combination of reversed card Nine of Wands and reversed card Death
Death reversed and Nine of Wands reversed can indicate inner conflict and struggle with oneself. Death reversed may point to resistance to change, while the Nine of Wands reversed can indicate a loss of self-confidence and lack of motivation. This could be a period of depression when a person feels helpless and cannot see a way forward.