Nine of Swords and The Sun

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Nine of Swords and The Sun cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Nine of Swords and card The Sun

The combination of the Sun and the Nine of Swords in an upright position indicates that despite all difficulties and fears, a person finds the strength to fight and move forward. It's like a light at the end of the tunnel that helps not to give up. The Sun provides energy and optimism, helping to overcome the negative energy of the Nine of Swords. This may be related to making an important decision or transitioning to a new stage in life.

Combination of reversed card Nine of Swords and card The Sun

The combination of the Sun in the upright position and the Nine of Swords reversed requires special attention. The Sun symbolizes joy and happiness, but the Nine of Swords reversed indicates possible fears and anxieties that may overshadow this light. It is important not to let dark thoughts take over, but also not to ignore them. It may be worth seeking help from a professional or confiding in a close person.

Combination of card Nine of Swords and reversed card The Sun

When the Sun in reverse combines with the Nine of Swords upright, it can indicate that a person is going through a difficult period in life. They may be facing significant challenges and experiencing stress or depression. The Sun in this case may suggest a loss of confidence and joy. It's important to remember that after night always comes morning. Support from loved ones and professional help can aid in overcoming this state.

Combination of reversed card Nine of Swords and reversed card The Sun

The most difficult combination is when both the Sun and the Nine of Swords are reversed. This can indicate deep depression or a tough period in life. The person likely feels helpless and lost. However, despite everything, it's important to remember that even in the darkest night, the stars shine the brightest. Don't be afraid to seek help, find support from friends or professionals. Every crisis is an opportunity for change and growth.