Nine of Swords and Justice

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Nine of Swords and Justice cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Nine of Swords and card Justice

Justice in the upright position and the Nine of Swords in the upright position symbolize serious problems that require resolution. Justice speaks of the need to restore balance and harmony in life, while the Nine of Swords warns of anxieties and fears. You might have debts or unresolved issues causing stress and worry. Don't delay solving these problems, or they will only get worse.

Combination of reversed card Nine of Swords and card Justice

When Justice is upright and the Nine of Swords is reversed, it suggests that you might be overestimating your problems. You may be worried about something that isn't as frightening as it seems. Justice reminds you to stay rational and objective in assessing the situation. Don't let your fears and anxieties turn into uncontrollable phobias.

Combination of card Nine of Swords and reversed card Justice

Justice reversed and the Nine of Swords upright indicate injustice and undeserved suffering. You may have faced dishonesty, deceit, or betrayal. Your fears and anxieties about this situation are entirely justified. But remember, life is about balance, and after any hardship, a period of well-being always follows.

Combination of reversed card Nine of Swords and reversed card Justice

Justice and the Nine of Swords reversed warn that you might face injustice and misunderstandings. You may tend to exaggerate your problems or underestimate your abilities. Accept that things don't always go as planned, and sometimes you just need to move on.