Combination of card Nine of Pentacles and card Queen of Swords
When the Queen of Swords in an upright position meets the Nine of Pentacles also in an upright position, it indicates strong intellectual independence combined with material well-being. Someone who steadfastly follows their beliefs may finally reach the desired level of comfort and security. This likely manifests as career advancement or financial success.
Combination of reversed card Nine of Pentacles and card Queen of Swords
The reversed Queen of Swords, when paired with the upright Nine of Pentacles, may indicate a situation where someone's cynicism or harshness hinders their material success. This could manifest as avoiding opportunities due to distrust or fear. Such an attitude might lead to a lack of financial stability or missed opportunities.
Combination of card Nine of Pentacles and reversed card Queen of Swords
When the reversed Queen of Swords meets the reversed Nine of Pentacles, this may indicate financial instability or loss caused by a harsh and cynical approach to life. It could result from refusing opportunities or unwillingness to work on improving one's financial situation. Someone might be facing difficulties due to their negative attitude.
Combination of reversed card Nine of Pentacles and reversed card Queen of Swords
The upright Queen of Swords, meeting the reversed Nine of Pentacles, may suggest that someone can use their strength and confidence to overcome material difficulties. They might have an inner resource helping them to overcome financial problems. This could manifest as seeking new opportunities or making efforts to improve their financial situation.