Combination of card Nine of Pentacles and card Page of Wands
When the Page of Wands meets the Nine of Pentacles in an upright position, it foretells harmony and success. The energy of the young Page, full of enthusiasm and desire to act, combines with the confidence and material stability of the Nine of Pentacles. This is a great time to start a new project or invest funds. An example could be starting your own business or investing in real estate.
Combination of reversed card Nine of Pentacles and card Page of Wands
When the Page of Wands in the upright position combines with the Nine of Pentacles reversed, it may indicate a loss of control over the situation. The Page's energy, aimed at seeking new opportunities, might encounter unexpected difficulties or missed chances. Planned investments may have failed or led to financial losses.
Combination of card Nine of Pentacles and reversed card Page of Wands
On the other hand, if the Page of Wands reversed meets the Nine of Pentacles upright, it can indicate confusion and a loss of energy. The Page's enthusiasm and readiness for action may be suppressed or misdirected. For example, instead of investing in a new project, the person might spend money on unnecessary things.
Combination of reversed card Nine of Pentacles and reversed card Page of Wands
Finally, when the reversed Page of Wands meets the Nine of Pentacles, also in the reversed position, it can indicate serious problems. The lack of energy and enthusiasm from the Page can lead to missed opportunities, financial losses, or failures. For example, a person might lose their job or face severe financial difficulties.