Combination of card Nine of Pentacles and card Page of Swords
The combination of these cards suggests the need to take responsibility and start acting. You have all the necessary knowledge and resources to achieve your goals. The Page of Swords symbolizes your mental abilities and readiness to take on challenges. The Nine of Pentacles promises success and achievement of goals. An example? Perhaps you finally decide to start your own business or begin pursuing something that has long interested you.
Combination of reversed card Nine of Pentacles and card Page of Swords
The combination of these cards may indicate that you made a wrong decision or have misguided expectations. The Page of Swords in an upright position suggests you are ready for new challenges and look boldly to the future. However, the reversed Nine of Pentacles warns of possible obstacles and difficulties. For example, you might have made a poor career or investment choice.
Combination of card Nine of Pentacles and reversed card Page of Swords
In this case, the cards warn of possible problems on the way to the goal. The reversed Page of Swords may indicate a lack of knowledge or unpreparedness for new challenges. The upright Nine of Pentacles suggests that you have all the necessary resources to achieve your goal, but you are not using them. You might need to reconsider your plans and prepare better.
Combination of reversed card Nine of Pentacles and reversed card Page of Swords
This card combination suggests you reconsider your plans and actions. The reversed Page of Swords indicates a lack of self-confidence and incomplete learning. The reversed Nine of Pentacles warns of potential financial difficulties and insecurity. For example, it might relate to your investments or career.